Business Management
Business Management
Today’s business executives require employees to be skilled in multiple aspects of business. This program is designed to provide students with an extensive knowledge of marketing techniques and methods, a solid knowledge of human resources planning and payroll, as well as, an introduction to accounting. Upon successful completion, graduates will be able to offer potential employers a wide variety of essential business skills. Students will gain knowledge and experience and will discover that a career in business today can be fascinating, challenging and rewarding. Atlantic Business College requires that students enrolled in any Business
Management Program to complete all the courses listed below during year one. To
receive a diploma a student must receive a minimum mark of 60 in all compulsory
courses in both year one and year two.
Fredericton, NB, Canada.
Full Time
There are numerous job opportunities for Business Managers in the field of business, accounting, banking, human resource, marketing, and economic sectors both at small to medium, and medium to large corporations. Graduates can contribute towards the strategic growth of any business – potentially even their own business.
After earning a diploma in Business Management, graduates are eligible for positions falling under the following NOC Codes: 1431, 1221, 1411, 1422, 1222
2 years
- High school graduation or
- GED or equivalent or
- Mature student – Detailed resume outlining experience and qualifications must be submitted.
Year 1 -Compulsory Courses
- Digital Marketing & Social Media
- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomics
- Organizational Behaviour
- Project Management
- Advanced Excel
- Professional Presentations
- Accounting 300
- Access
- Research and Proposal Writing
- Business Math II
Year 2 -Compulsory Courses
- Marketing Management & Branding I
- Human Resources, Planning Staffing and Training I
- Excel
- Customer Service
- Communications
- Records Management
- Business Law
- Word
- Computerized Accounting
- Financial Accounting 100
- Introduction to Business Ethics & Economics
- Business Math I
- Event Co-Ordination & Sponsorship This website provides a full range of scholarships available to Canadian residents who are attending post-secondary institutions. The search list can be defined by province, program and various other criteria.
- High school graduation or
- GED or equivalent or
- Mature student – Detailed resume outlining experience and qualifications must be submitted.
- Introduction to Marketing Principles and Strategy 3045
- Human Resources, Planning Staffing and Training 3045
- Labour Standards and Employment Law 3045
- Outlook 1025
- Excel 1045
- Customer Service 1025
- Communications/Records Management 1090
- Business Law 2045
- Word 1090
- Computerized Accounting 2045
- Financial Accounting 100 2090
- Introduction to Business Ethics 2045
- Business Math 2045
- Event Co-Ordination & Sponsorship 2045
- Social Media 2045
- Microeconomics 3045
- Macroeconomics 3045
- Entrepreneurship 3045
- Project Management 3045
- Advanced Excel 2045
- Professional Presentations 2045
- Accounting 300 3045
- Access 2045
- Research and Proposal Writing 3045
- Desktop Publishing 2045
- Advanced Word 2045 This website provides a full range of scholarships available to Canadian residents who are attending post-secondary institutions. The search list can be defined by province, program and various other criteria.
Year 1: Tuition: $9695.00
Textbooks: $1750.00 plus 5% tax
Year 2: Tuition: $5595.00
Textbooks: $1750.00 plus 5% tax
Provincial and Federal student loans are available to qualifying students. For more information on applying for a student loan, New Brunswick residents should contact New Brunswick Student Financial Services at If you have not lived in New Brunswick for the past 12 months, or if you are currently living in another province, please contact your provincial Student Financial Aid office.
$96.95 (1% of tuition)
Business Management Course Details
Marketing Management & Branding
Marketing introduces you to the essentials of marketing including key concepts, methods of analysis, strategies and tactics which are critical to managing profitable customer relationships in today’s dynamic and connected environment. Upon completing, students will have the skills and knowledge to become successful members of a marketing team.
Human Resources Planning, Staffing & Training
Human Resource Management includes the activities, planning, policies and practices involved in obtaining, developing, utilizing, evaluating, maintaining and retaining the appropriate number and skill mix of employees. All these topics and more are covered in this comprehensive course designed for the beginning HR professional.
Labour Standards & Employment Law
Upon completion of the course students will have a strong understanding of Federal and New Brunswick labour laws regarding hours worked, statutory holidays, minimum wages etc. As well, students will study employment laws with regards to the legal definition of an employee, hiring processes, wrongful dismissal, constructive dismissal etc.
Advertising & Social Media
Students will receive an introduction to the fields of public relations and social media. Students are introduced to exciting and innovative public relations and social media campaign examples and will learn the theory and core concepts that they will need to succeed. Social media and public relations are evolving quickly and creating a level playing field for businesses of all sizes. We will also look at different elements of social media and how they can be used to market a business.
Event Coordination & Sponsorship
This course will examine the full event planning process and provide the tools and strategies to effectively organize, implement and monitor all the products, services and service providers that will bring an event to life.
Business Presentations
The ability to present ideas and concepts to a group in a professional, engaging and informative manner is the focus of this course. Beginning with brief presentations, students will build confidence and methods to successfully complete their final presentation.
Introduction to Business Ethics and Economics
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of business such as: economic systems, supply and demand, product and profit, business ethics, social responsibility and the Canadian economy. We analyze current events to determine their effect on business. Students will also gain an understanding of the different types of businesses and what is involved in opening and managing a business. Each student will be able to make an informed decision on the viability of opening a business.
Financial Accounting
An introduction to financial accounting beginning with the introduction of debit and credit applications and moving on to adjusting entries, cash control and the study and understanding of important GAAP
(Generally Accepted Accounting Principles).
Computerized Accounting Sage 50
An in-depth study of one of the most popular small business accounting packages. Students will learn how to create new companies, create daily entries in all modules, print financial and managerial statements, import & export information and use the internet capabilities of Sage 50.
The Keyboarding portion of this course is designed to assist students in mastering the alphabet and numeric keyboard, speed and accuracy and formatting of letters and memos. The outlook portion of this course provides students with the skills, knowledge and confidence to utilize Microsoft Outlook. Students will learn to navigate the Outlook window, compose, reply and forward e-mail messages, add and delete attachments, flag messages, modify delivery options, create signatures, message settings and delivery options, organize, delete and print messages and contacts, create contact and distribution lists, create tasks and to-do lists and schedule appointments, meetings and events.
Microsoft Word
This course provides students with the skills and knowledge to utilize Microsoft Word. Students will learn to edit text, check spelling and grammar, print documents, work with document views, manage styles and utilize document themes, merge documents and data sources, insert quick parts in documents, utilize newsletter-style columns, work with comments and revisions, insert drawing objects and graphics, utilize smart art and insert headers and footers.
Microsoft Excel
This course provides students with the skills and knowledge to utilize Microsoft Excel. Students will learn to create a simple worksheet by entering labels and values, build a worksheet using copy and paste, fill and autofill, find/replace, column width and row height, hide columns and rows and copy cell formatting, insert and delete columns and rows, create formulas and use functions such as Average, Max, Sum, NOW, IF, Vlookup and Dfunction, filter databases using Auto Filter, Criteria and Extract, work with cell references including relative, absolute and mixed, format cells using number formats and changing alignment, use chart wizard to format, size, move, edit, save and print a chart, protect, save and print worksheets, charts and formulas.
Business Law
This course is designed to give students a general overview of the Canadian legal system, international torts, negligence, contracts, agency, employment and collective bargaining.
Communications/Records Management
This course develops basic language and communication skills. Business letters, reports and interpersonal skills are addressed as communication becomes increasingly important in the shrinking global marketplace. Records Management is designed to instruct students in the use and design of alphabetic, numeric and geographical filing systems.
Customer Service
This course provides students with the basic concepts and current trends in the customer service industry. Special areas of emphasis include the importance of providing excellent customer service, development of a customer service strategy, coping with challenging customers, customer retention and measuring customer satisfaction.
Career Skills
Students will learn to showcase the specific skills and qualifications they bring to any position and company and how to select the best people as references. They will receive tips on filling out job applications and will create and perfect a personal resume and cover letter. Students will also learn the best ways to evaluate a job offer and important advice for on the job success.

Program Fees
This fee is for: Administration, Management, and Social Service Programs